The amount of calories in chickpeas is the same as the amount of calories in plain brown rice, but it has more protein and fiber.

So, today, I’m going to show you a little bit about the beneficial rice.

The nutrients included in the rice are:
Contains antioxidants.
Here are the health benefits

Ngong rice is diabetes, obesity disease heart disease It is suitable for patients suffering from stress.

It can also prevent cell damage and lower cholesterol, and has the effect of killing cancer cells.
Since it contains a lot of fiber, it also helps digestion and relieves constipation. Since you can feel hungry just by eating a small amount of rice, you don’t need to eat it as a meal, so it is more suitable for those who want to lose weight without worrying about gaining weight.

As I recited when I was young that it is good to eat rice with rice, rice with many benefits is full of nutrients and is very good for health.

Sinocare Myanmar

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